September 18, 2023

21 Days to a New You

min read

In a dense jungle, two animals roamed: a parrot, caged by its fears, and a panther, free and fearless.

The parrot mimicked others, never soaring high, while the panther carved its path, confident and unmatched.

Unlock power. It's about confidence.

Look around. Most aren't living their best. They're like the parrot, stuck dreaming, not achieving. Why? No confidence.

You want to be the panther? Confidence is your ticket.

Most folks? They're parrots. Lost in imitation, just getting by. That's no life. Don't be a parrot. Break the cage. Be the panther. Own the jungle.

Tried fitting in? The jungle's vastness isn't for the timid. Stop mimicking. Be YOU.

Want the freedom the panther feels? What I've got changes everything.

You in to be the panther?

Ready to rule the jungle? Let’s roll…

Choking Your Power? Time to Breathe.

Why do so many act like sheep?

It's simple: they've let go of their power. They handed it over. And yeah, that power? You can only give it away. No one can take it from you.

Shakespeare nailed it, “We know what we are, but not what we could be.”

Here's the raw truth about life... You're a creator. God, Universe, Nature – whatever you call it, it handed you the magic to shape and innovate. You have endless raw potential to create. You have zero limits.

Inside you? A goldmine of talents. And the key to it all? Confidence.

Tap into that godly energy. Let it craft wonders in your world. This gift, this spark – it’s yours.

Success? It's an inside job.

First step is to recognize your worth. Or you'll choke that inner power. You have to break free from your chains. The ones you put on yourself.

Yeah, you read that right. Your chains. Sure, life happens. But it's your move, every time. From birth, you've been given a program on how your reality is created. Accept it or challenge it. Your call. Welcome to the Conscious Continuum.

True power? It’s from within. Don't sit around waiting for a sign. Ignite your confidence.

Ditch the guilt. It's chaining you down. Break free. Choose self-love.

Step one? Own up. YOU have the power to shift gears.

Stop Knowing. Start BEING. The Shift.

I'm handing over a game changer. One that supercharges your confidence and awareness. Ready to break those chains holding you back?

Building killer confidence? Easier than you think.

21 days. That's all. Wake up THE NEW YOU.

It’s not just about “knowing.” It’s about "BEING." Understand? Just BE.

I’ll hand you the map, you drive the journey. Endgame? Total self-confidence. Think of it like becoming a basketball pro. Instinct takes over, no thought needed.

Your goal for the next 21 days? Make confidence second nature. It’ll all make sense here in a moment.

By accepting responsibility one can instantly go from unconscious incompetence to conscious incompetence. Seems insignificant but the first step is most times the hardest for most people.

Own up. Just doing that, you shift from Unconscious Incompetence to Conscious Incompetence. Sounds simple? That first move's often the toughest. Let's get real.

The path is:

  1. Acceptance: Accept YOU don’t know everything. You're responsible.
  2. Awareness: Act + Learn. Facing failure and discomfort? That's where real growth happens. Get used to it. Embrace discomfort.
  3. Application: Using acquired knowledge actively, practicing, and iterating on feedback.
  4. Achievement: When you just "get it.” You act without thought and master the game.

The path is going from: Unconscious → Understanding → Upgrading → Unstoppable

Don’t just read this and nod. Knowing isn't being. Make it instinct.

Awakening Your Inner Titan

Time to unplug from the nonsense, snap out of the trance.

Bet you've been fed some lies. Let’s trash them.

Real confidence? It's all about action. No shortcuts. Here’s your starting line.

Grab a paper. Split it: “Goal,” “Obstacles,” and “Steps.”

Get the Goal, Obstacles, and Steps printout here.

Goal? What you're chasing this year.

Obstacles? What’s blocking your path.

Steps? Tiny actions to get you closer.

Here's a trick: Write out your “steps” if you're helping someone else. Suddenly, the path is clearer.

Small steps? Vital. No step's too tiny to over look.

Which step's the easiest? Do that. Now. If it’s too big, start smaller.

Most times, that tiny first step? It's where the real power kicks in. It gets the ball rolling.

If that "tiny" step feels like a mountain? Make it your main target. Reset and go at it.

I like to think of it as macro (big goal) and micro (step of big goal zoomed in as goal).

With the macro — Every week, evaluate which meals you loved and which you didn't.

Why this Helps: Allows you to refine your meal planning for better satisfaction and results.

If you’re stuck on taking action with your steps, ask yourself:

  • Wise move or not?
  • Helps or hurts me?
  • What's the effort I must pay?
  • Is it worth it to put the effort out?
  • What if I do nothing? Am I okay with that? *Second Order Consequences

Answers? They’re keys to unlock your best self.

Visualize the win. How’s it feel? Note that down. Your "Why."

Why do you want this? Write it down NOW. If you're not driven, you're wasting time. Remember: Champions know their WHY. Do you?

Focus on a couple of goals. Too many? That’s just stalling.

Energy's finite. Nail one goal, then hit the next. Faster, harder.

Time to unleash your unstoppable self-confidence. Let's go!

Begin The 21-Day Fire Up!

Got your Goal, Obstacles, and Steps? Good. Now, for 21 days, you act on your steps. Every. Single. Day.

People yap about 21 days making a habit. Why? Because in those 21 days, your brain is adjusting. New paths form, and you start locking in this new groove. This isn't just a habit. It's you becoming a machine of achievement. In other words? It's 21 days of leveling up your self-confidence.

Three weeks might sound like a short sprint, but trust me, it’s a marathon for your willpower. It's your grit and grind test. Smash through it, and what comes next? It's like rolling downhill – easier and faster.

Find your edge – the spot that’s outside your comfort, but short of burnout. Take on Steps that push, but don't break you.

Here’s your game plan: Every day, review your Goal, your Obstacles, your steps, your Why(s). Write down what you did right. Adjust, tweak, iterate. Don’t just skim this game; play to win.

It's all about pushing yourself outside your comfort zone. Sure, we want the results. But concentrate on each small step. That’s where the magic is. Where focus goes, energy flows.

Think of this as your “learning-by-doing” phase. Every step, every win, every feedback – it’s prepping you for greatness. Push yourself to go outside the comfort zone, and what happens? You won't just hit your goal and get the results; you'll transcend it.

Celebrate every win, big or small. Each one is another step closer to your transformation. Trust the process. The power of 21 days? It’s not just about starting strong. It’s about lighting up that fire that keeps on burning.

21 days, my friend. It’s where champions are born. It’s where you begin. Then? There’s no limit. We’re talking 90-day sprints, year-long marathons, and lifetime conquests.

Stop waiting. Time won't. Go get what's yours!

Big things have small beginnings.